Amor visits Joost

April 17th, 2011

Amor Vittone, Joost van der Westhuizen‘s estranged wife, visited him in hospital over the weekend after he was diagnosed with a serious muscular neuron disease.

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21 Responses to “Amor visits Joost”

  1. they were sooo cute 2gether :-(

  2. Do you beliive in KARMA!!!! hmmmmm

  3. Nothing wrong with that. He is the father of your two beautiful children. You two will always be connected.

  4. She’s such a sweetheart!!

  5. Very SAD!!!! God knows best…:-(

  6. DUH…………………..What we would’nt do for publicity

  7. thinging of you, dont give up,we love you xxxxxx

  8. The whole thing is very sad. They were on top of the world but although he is forgiven Joost messed their whole relationship up, just goes to show we pay for our mistakes.

  9. SHame, the reason for him being in hospital (all are coming back to him now because he messed with another woman.) He is getting puniched. Yes he is the father of her children but that doesnt excuse him for what he did.

  10. T

  11. that is so cruel of you dont you have a heart

  12. Thats now one fantastic ex wife. Gr8 to see you being there thru the better and worse

  13. for better or worse till death do us part.she has a very good heart

  14. Yes, I agree, however she took him from his ex wife and then dumped him !!!!! If it was not for Joost, she would have nothing today.

  15. If it was’ent for Joost she would have been nothing today. She took Joost from his previous wife and now that he made her, she dumped him like a hot potato. She is a good one to cry. May be it is her guilt that made her visit her. Joost you are strong and the Lord looks after his children. Keep it up, there are people that has had worse life situations and still came out best at the end. May be, apart from your children with her, forget her and don’t stoop to het level.

  16. WOW! that is the spirit of UBUNTU. I could have done the same no matter what. Who knows what the future holds, maybe this was one of your test in this life . He has also learned a lesson or two . Amor do what is right for you and your children no matter who says what, because our own skeletons in our own backyards are worse. I hope for the best for you two. One day your children will reward you for this. Support him, he needs your love and support. God Bless and my heart goes out to you GIRL.

  17. God laat niemand uit, is dit dalk God se rede dat hy siek is en om vir te se maak reg vir jou kinders se onthalwe. Almal maak foute ander sin word nie eens genoem, maar ARREME Joost kry dit hot agter haar. Gaan met jou kinders en vat sy hand en bid ek dink dit sal vir hom fantasies wees. as julle saam as n familie bid.!!!!

  18. Nothing wrong with Amor worried about her childrens future. It is right for Joost to provide. It is very sad, but when you know that maybe, just maybe, you dont have much time left in this world, you have to think about these things and face reality. I wish them both the best and their children. God bless.

  19. Alhoewel ek jammer voel vir Joost moet hy nou aan sy kinders en homself bewys hy is ‘n goeie Pa en sorg dat hulle versorg is na sy dood. Onthou mens kan nie geld saam vat nie. Dis ONSIN dat Amor Joost van sy vorige vrou afgeneem het. Kry jul feite reg! Amor het Joost onvoorwaardelik vergewe na die “sex and drugs” video. HY IS DIE EEN WAT HAAR BELIEG HET EN STEEDS SY OU LEWE(laatnag partytjies) WOU HERVAT NA DIE SEKS&DWELMS DEBAKEL.

  20. Amor was lank voor Joost bekend en ‘n STER in eie reg met dans-kampioenskappe en sang. Joost het eintlik haar loopbaan en sy het alles opgeoffer om die perfekte, liefdevolle vrou en moeder te wees terwyl hy tot die vroee oggend-ure in klubs en kroee rond gele het en met allerhande goed ge-eksperimenteer het. Sy enigste “claim to fame” was rugby. Joost het geen akademiese Graad, dans, sangtalente, ensovoorts soos Amor nie. Sy het eintlik onder haar intellektuele klas ingetrou, nes Natasha Sutherland en Maria Shriver…

  21. Hello !!! do not forget he cheated on Amore and did drugs and it was splashed all over the media. I would of dropped Joost faster than she did. Thats the problem with men who cheat and think with you know what and don”t realise what the consequences will be. At the end of the day it’s the childred that grow up without having there fathers around. Think about that !!!! Joost you fault man.

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