You’ve just arrived in France and have signed a two-year deal with Agen. Tell us about your decision to make the move?

Agen is a club steeped in history and tradition with a burning ambition to regain its past glory. Phillipe Sella has also just taken over the reins. The club (like all clubs in France) takes the name of its town i.e. Agen. It’s in the beautiful South West of the country.

I’ve signed with Agen for two years, after realising that my career and personal path is leading me there.

What’s your outlook on the rest of 2012 and your career – what can we expect?

I’ll be heading into a tough pre-season with the team and settling in to my new town with my new teammates. We’ll be aiming to grow the club to a Heineken Cup berth (which means finishing in the top six of the national competition, the Top 14). So highs, lows, tough matches, near misses, great successes and a wild ride like only rugby and life can promise!

We hear you’ve experienced a few injuries over the past few months and even had a neck operation earlier this year. How is your recovery is going?

I’m a hundred per cent ready to rock and roll. I got the all clear from my doc a few weeks back and I can’t wait to get back into action.

What’s your take on the current Springbok selection?

Good…I think as the public we need to understand that under Heyneke Meyer’s new tutelage, we shall see certain selections that we may not agree with but which are important to what he wants to do with the team and how he wants to grow it through his tenure. We are often quick to criticise in South Africa, but we need to support our new coach and his decisions and let the results speak for themselves.

What is the one thing you wish more rugby fans knew?

Old legends of the game still matter. With an ever changing climate and a huge influx of new players, I realise it’s hard to keep track. However, just the other day David Campese walked into a little cafe I was chilling in and no one took a second glance. It’s amazing how quickly we forget the legends of yesteryear.

If fans only knew the amount of sacrifice it took for a player to find success. Success is only achieved through hard work and sacrifice.

Who have been the most influential people in your career?

When I was young John Eales, the former Australian World Cup winning captain, was my idol. However, no one deserves more credit than my father and mother…the two most amazing and supportive parents I could ever had wished for.

If you weren’t playing rugby, what would you be doing?

Maybe running around a few basketball courts in Europe. When I was younger it was a very tough decision whether to pursue a career in rugby or basketball. I had a future in both.

What is the most common misconception people make about you?

That I’m just a ‘rugger bugger’. With a degree in English, Media and Writing I’m quite different to what you’d expect me to be.

So when you’re not playing rugby, what do you get up to?

A few things really, I struggle to sit still for too long. My favourite thing is probably just putting my feet up with a good piece of literature.

What’s your life philosophy?

There are many quotes and inspirational ideas that have captured me at different times in my life. One of my favourites (which I have tattooed on my right thigh) is; “Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself”.

By Lauren Lee

One Response to “Ross Skeate Starts New Chapter”

  1. Awesome! Give us more Zalebs!

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