Sbu Mpisane's 40th birthday[nggallery id=9 w=430 h=320 template="carousel" images=19]

13 Responses to “Sbu Msipane’s 40th Birthday Party”

  1. GROW A ROCK!!!

  2. south african taxpayers money, was’nt there a huge problem with all the low cost houses this guy built

  3. Well, apparently he started construction, and then stopped halfway through because there “wasn’t enough money”.

  4. i love khanyi but i would not like to sleep with her and catch something.

  5. kunenemust drop the attitude and give his son 1 watch becouse teachers are complaining.his son always late

  6. hahaha i think this is all waste of money really our money

  7. Happy birthday Mr Mpisane we are proud of you as Kzn.

  8. Money cant buy you class and sophistication. Everything just looks new money and tacky

  9. bling, bling, bling
    on the cash registers and on the walls.
    The walls fell down and some houses to dust turned.

  10. This is just like any other party for money stealling clan. aagggg there is no class her, eating from paper plates, nooo man. I am not rich, but I never use paper plates at my parties, I don’t think that even students from Durban Varsity do that. You must come for free lessons on hosting a classy something(party/get2geda/…).

  11. who is that phat guy i want to know he must buy bigger shirts cause tha one he is wearing is a little bit too small for that stomach of his.

  12. l am feeling sory for them

  13. Agreed :)

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