After much debate on whether Minnie Dlamini had uMhlonyane (A celebration of a girl entering her teen years) or uMemulo
(A ritual to celebrate a young lady's journey into womanhood)
Minnie has finally broken her silence and has defended her decision in celebrating uMhlonyane.
Minnie wrote an extensive response to all who dismissed her traditional celebration of uMhlonyane:
Naka eze gceke lakho
"It is VERY important to understand that although people may be part of the same culture, ritual practices are not the same from family to family. Imizi ayifani nange ndlela okwenziwa ngayo imikhuba namasiko akufani, kodwa bonke basuke bebheke esikweni elilodwa. Each family is unique as these rituals are passed down from each family's forefathers, but they are gunning for a common goal of the ritual. When my father, as the head of our Dlamini branch of the family, decided it was time for him and my mother to formally introduce me to the community as a woman, on top of what he knows, as passed down in practice to him by his late father, he appointed a spiritually gifted person to guide the process. All that was done was on the wisdom passed down to my father and under the advice and guidance of Lindiwe Luthuli (MaMpanza)."
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