Creative practitioners, get your pens and notebooks out as the class is already in session with multi-talented TV actress Rami Chuene. The actress who is no stranger to schooling creative practitioners about the world of showbiz, has penned a thread again for fellow actors and those who work behind the scenes, on TV shows, to avoid plunging themselves into more troubles as some are expected to return back to work, this week.
This week numerous TV shows are set to start filming after a brief hiatus to adhere to the lockdown regulations, as the country continues with the fight against the deadly Covid-19. Rami said creative practitioners must seek legal advice before they sign an indemnity form which will detail what they are expected to do or agree on.
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Rami went to shed more light on some of the clauses that they will be agreeing to on the form. The clauses include the fact that they understand and appreciate fully the risks, hazards and dangers, involved with being present in the workplace during the COVID 19 pandemic.
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Rami cautioned them so that, they should not receive a shock of their lives when they are held liable for the doctor's fees.
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The thread also cautioned practitioners about the hazards and the standard of employment conditions of contracts that they will sign.