While reports of the first alleged corona virus case reported in Zimbabwe has gutted the continent, Shimza has found himself in hot water with some twitter users after he tweeted an insensitive post about the deadly virus.
The virus which has claimed lives of more than 3 000 people around the world, causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as middle east respiratory syndrome.
Yesterday Shimza tweeted a joke about a child which was born in Zimbabwe and his name is Corana Virus Moyo, on the tweet he said " First Corona Virus Case Recorded In Zimbabwe! Zimbabwe has today confirmed its first Corona Virus case. Health officials at Avenues Clinic confirmed that a healthy baby boy named Corona Virus Moyo was born this morning at 2:30 am. Congratulations to the parents!! Stolen post " he tweeted.
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Although he clearly stated that he stole the tweet, however, it ruffled feather's of many tweeps because the virus has become a sensitive topic to joke about. Rapper Blaklez also warned Shimza about the insensitive post citing some people do no read to the end of the tweet, hence such tweets may lead to people spreading fake news.