A few years ago, the viewers were introduced to a new family - the Ngwenyas. This family had all the makings of controversy and were on a mission to shake things up at eBubhesini, especially the Zungu family.
Menzi Ngubane portrayed the character of Judas Ngwenya. ilanga Langesonto reported that the powers that be, had hit a wall regarding Juda's character development and story-line.
Which resulted in the termination of his acting services. The remaining members of the Ngwenya family will still be seen on the show.
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Judas will be murdered by his long standing enemy, Mpiyakhe Zungu. Currently, Judas is moving in incognito and can be seen disguising himself with a huge unsuspecting beard. While Mpiyakhe has pretended to play dead - a ploy to trick Judas into believing that he's dead. Thereafter Mpiyake will come out gunning blazing and kill his unsuspecting enemy, Judas.