We can all learn something from Pearl, Hulisani and Bonnie.
We’ve all found ourselves in a challenging situations at some point in our lives. Whether it’s losing a loved one, being laid off from work, the end of a relationship – we’ve all, at some point, been through something that has changed us forever.
Like many other people, I’ve also had some really rough times in my life (the last five years have been extremely challenging). I’ve been through some things that I never ever thought I’d experience in my life (before turning 30), but here I am today, looking back at everything I’ve had to overcome, and honestly, I couldn’t be prouder. While the journey has been challenging, I’ve learned so many invaluable lessons about myself. I’ve used a combination of “tools” to get me to where I am today – therapy (very important), yoga, meditation, prayer, just to name a few.
Although I find myself off balance sometimes, I know that I can always rely on one these “tools” to get myself centred again. This is part of my self-care routine. We honestly give so much of ourselves to the world, and often forget to take care of ourselves. You’ve probably heard this quote many times: “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” It’s very true. It all starts with you – you can’t expect anyone else to heal you, make you happy or “complete” you. It all needs to start from within. You need to fill your cup first.
I don’t think in South Africa, especially in the media space, we talk enough about the importance of self-care (unless I’ve missed this conversation). This is why I get really happy when I see some famous people using their platforms to bring awareness around this topic, while also sharing their personal journeys with their fans.
Bonnie Mbuli, who’s been very open about her struggles with depression over the years, has also been generous enough to share what self-care looks like for her. The actress and TV host told True Love magazine in 2018: “At the beginning of my self-care journey I had a conversation with myself and vowed to give myself a beautiful life.”
She also explained that her morning ritual is a 15-minute meditation, followed by a green juice with celery. “And I also drink lemon water,” she added.
In case you didn’t know, self-care can also be practiced through travel. This past weekend, I went on a solo trip just one hour outside of Johannesburg. This was my way of reconnecting with myself (and God) and just getting away from the noise. Just as I was driving to my quiet location, it hit me that Pearl Modiadie probably needed the same thing when she went to Bali on a solo vacay back in 2017.
Taking to Instagram, the award-winning TV presenter shared that people found it strange that she was there alone. She wrote: “Got a few raised eyebrows when I mentioned I was here alone after being asked ‘Madam, is it you and a partner?’ Lol! The lady proceeded to tell me that I was the only one who came to the cruise alone…” Instagram/@pearlmodiadie Well, I also got the same question from a friend who thought I was being extra for traveling all by myself. By the way, I have another solo trip coming up in a few months and this time, I’m going far away!
There is also a very important part of self-care that a lot of people still don’t understand – mental health. This is one of the most challenging areas of my life. I’ve been battling with mental health issues for the past six years. Although it’s been a battle, I’ve only recently started learning a lot when it comes to managing this issue. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, part of my self-care routine includes therapy. Deciding to go for therapy is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.
You see, I’m not the only person who’s advocating for therapy. Hulisani Ravele, who is one of the most authentic celebrities I’ve seen, also agrees with me. In one of her The Minute with Hulisani Ravele videos, she encouraged her followers to seek help.
“It’s okay to not be okay. I remember I went to a therapist a few years ago when I was dealing with something in my life and I couldn’t get past this block, right. And going to a therapist really was the best decision I ever made for myself. And the tools my therapist gave me are tools that I still use in my life today, still, years after my sessions… The moment you see and feel that something is not right, seek the help that you need. You need to look after your heart and your mind,” she shared.
Whatever you do this year, don’t forget to take care of yourself!