That sun had barely risen on Sunday morning when Nasty found himself trending in two countries. South Africa, and Ghana, who were fighting over whose country boasted the stronger rapper.
The comparison seemingly began from a small snowball of tweets which turned into an avalanche overnight. Nasty C and Ghanaian legend Sarkodie were faced off against one another and fans from both countries turned the discussion into an all-out war!
Ghanaian Twitter users were adamant that their national treasure was a better lyricist and outright rapper than Nasty C. The argument they posed was that Nasty C, while talented, is largely the benefactor of a stronger entertainment industry in a bigger country. One fan explained Ghana Twitter's sentiments when he added YouTube views as a factor:
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While the user does have a point, Sarkodie's numbers are off the charts on YouTube, the other side of the coin needs to be considered too. Nasty C might live and work in a country which allows him to earn more, but data costs in South Africa are among the highest in the continent - making it difficult for many South African music lovers to stream YouTube regularly.
Meanwhile on Mzansi Twitter, most people were surprised to see Nasty C trending but it didn't take long for his legion of fans to start defending him:
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For the record, neither rapper has addressed the feud between their respective fans and it appears to be dying down into Sunday mid-morning. We hope it does, too. Both rappers have achieved incredible things in their countries and to compare them only reduces everything they have done for African hip hop.