Sunday World broke the news of their divorce and dropped a bombshell that Msaki was allegedly one of the reasons for it. When questioned, Smash Afrika reportedly never denied the alleged affair. He even apparently told Kefiloe that Msaki is his peace. Sources close to them allegedly also revealed that abuse was the main cause of the divorce.
Talking to her Instagram page, Kefiloe made a mockery of her marriage on the anniversary of their wedding.
"‘Til death do us part?" she laughed.
Kefiloe added, "Surely, we can joke a little since it’s my anniversary…? No?! Okay, let’s be serious!" she added. "When I was being abused, I was faced with the decision whether to remain in my marriage, possibly at the risk of my life or harm to my child. This decision was particularly difficult because I worried I was disobeying God by ending my marriage."
Kefiloe then tried to justify her decision to get diviorced despite saying she was afraid to go through with it because the bible is against divorces.
She paraphrased a quote from Mending The Soulwhich reads: “God’s covenantal design for marriage is broken by abuse, and Scripture does not mandate that an abused wife must remain married to an abuser; therefore, the body of Christ is called to model God’s compassion toward abused women through effective strategies designed to meet the needs of women who are trying to escape abusive relationships.
"God designed marriage to be a covenantal relationship through which spouses could experience companionship, physical relationship, respect, love, and caring. On the contrary, abuse, adultery and neglect are condemned by Scripture and can break the marriage covenant. When this happens, divorce is permitted due to the hard-heartedness of the abuser and as a legal protection for the abused.
"Nevertheless, in the face of abuse, divorce is a complex decision that requires physical, spiritual, and emotional support. This provides an opportunity for the body of Christ to execute effective church discipline, educate clergy and congregations about abuse, accept ministries of reconciliation and advocacy, provide safety for abused women and their children, and offer Christian counselling that reflects a biblical view of abuse within marriage.”
TshisaLive reports that Msaki denied this and said she had nothing to do with their failed marriage, “It's a story of a relationship ending, I don't have anything to do with that relationship ending. I'm just hurt.”
Nisafety guys? Nothing has changed here. I have nothing but love 4u & I will always be focused on my attempts to write songs to encourage & to uplift. I know many of you see my heart. My devotion is to sing us better. That’s my purpose here. Namaste Otherwise ❤️ Love Msaki x
Absolutely indeed yes ghat is all because this is the same space that will give you a “ Tikoloshe raped a parrot headline” respect me please. I am BUSY! 👏