I don't think people have quite gotten over Miley Cyrus's twerking video. I'm of the personal belief that people should be allowed to move their behind in any manner, to any rhythm they wish without criticism, but that's just me.
Her twerking exploits (Twerksploits?) have earned her a mention on a track on Jay-Z's new album, Magna Carta Holy Grail. On the track Somewhere in America, Jigga signs off with "Somewhere in America, Miley Cyrus is Still Twerking... Twerk Miley Miley..."
It's hilarious, and fans all over Twitter and Facebook are laughing hysterically. Unless of course they are 12 years old and are staunch Miley Cyrus fans, in which case they are too young to have a sense of humor any ways.
Haven't seen Miley Cyrus twerking? Your life will be complete after this
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