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Without a doubt, Da L.E.S and the late AKA were best friends since the beginning of time. Following AKA's death, quite a number of conspiracy theories were already swirling around on social media. AKA's fans and followers proceeded to scrutinize and analyze the videos of the shooting outside an establishment in Florida Road, Durban, where AKA was killed.
However, Da L.E.S made it crystal clear that he was not a fan of the conspiracy theories and proceeded to urge fans to stop suspecting other people. That alone opened a can of worms for him as AKA's fans felt as though Da L.E.S did not care for justice to prevail for the slain rapper and his best friend. AKA.
Following Anwar 'Dogg' Khan's interview, who was AKA's head of security bodyguard, more life has been breathed to the previous conspiracy theories surrounding AKA's murder. Khan mentioned that rules were broken and protocol was breached on the day Kiernan 'AKA' Forbes went to Durban and was subsequently murdered.
Yesterday, Da L.E.S's tweet opened him up for scrutiny, as more tweeps felt as though he does not care about the JusticeForAKA's movement that has been launched. Taking to Twitter, Da L.E.S has lashed out on people who have been carrying out the conspiracy theories.
"Crazy world we living in. How do y’all really be thinking they took my man’s? What’s the motive? Everyone don’t grieve the same. Please leave them alone they been through a lot. I’m just as angry and also want answers but not in this direction please. Love." wrote Da L.E.S
Crazy world we living in. How do y’all really be thinking they took my man’s? What’s the motive? Everyone don’t grieve the same. Please leave them alone they been through a lot. I’m just as angry and also want answers but not in this direction please 🙏🏾 Love.
— Da L.E.S (@2freshLES) March 22, 2023
"The silence speaks volumes though North" wrote Bukhosi Mino
The silence speaks volumes though North
— SuperMega Forever 🇿🇦 (@Bukhosi_mino) March 22, 2023
Uyanya wena, you call hosting parties grieving, those people are having a time of their lives they are not looking or trying to get answers/ #JusticeforAKA. Leave us alone we will ask and suspect whoever until we get answers. Infact nawe siyakusola nonsense.🧐
— Noky (@NokiD2012) March 22, 2023
You can definitely mourn your day 1 and demand their justice. Cut the excuses. #JusticeforAKA
— #AKAyouLEGEND (@BubbleBlueBabe) March 22, 2023
Wena why u defend these guys so much? Police should start questioning u also...
— Mbopha kaSthayi (@Muhlonishwa) March 22, 2023
Image Credit: ANMG