Wackhead Simpson: Pranking level 9000

By  | Jun 22, 2020, 01:47 PM  | Darren Simpson  | Top of The

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Simone Sinclair caught up with 94.7 Breakfast Xpress’s Darren ‘Whackhead’ Simpson to chat to him about the release of his latest prank CD, Christmas and his dream job.

Tell us more about your latest CD and what makes it stand out from all the others?

I love doing pranks that are challenging, where the degree of difficulty is high. It's not just about someone getting angry, there needs to be a story. A begin, middle and an end. That happens with every single prank on this album. I call it my magnum opus. That is why I have been able to sustain them for so long, because I put a lot of work into doing a prank.

How many CDs have you released over the years?

This is my 11th year in a row that I have released a double CD best of compilation. This one is entitled Two Faced, but I call it my Magnum opus!

If you had to give up your day job, would you go into comedy fulltime?

Well I already am in comedy full time. My day job is radio and my night job is standup comedy. I also have a new TV show coming out next year, it's comedy too so now I am into comedy overtime.

How has becoming a dad changed your life and the way you approach your every day?

Being a dad is just the most rewarding opportunity you can have in life. I say opportunity, because not every man will unfortunately be a dad for whatever reason. It truly is just the greatest honour.

What does a normal day look like for you?

Very busy. My alarm goes off at 3.30am and I’m at work by 5am. We pre-prep for the show until 06:00. Then from 06:00 to 09:00 I host Breakfast Xpress. After 09:00 I usually have a few meetings I need to attend. At 11:00 I get started on prepping for the next day’s show. I usually I go home at 15:00, which is just in time for Nate to arrive home. We have the afternoon together, playing, bathing and feeding. I usually do about 2 comedy shows per week in the evenings. So when that happens I am out again at about 18:00 and back home around 22:00 or 23:00.

If you could have a different job for one day, what would it be?

I would definitely be a Navy SEAL. No question!


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