Losing a child has to be every parent's worst nightmare come true. The truth is, a parent never stops mourning the passing of their child, no matter how many years have rolled on by.
One singer who knows the pain all too well is singer Candy Tsa Mandebele.
Candy lost her eldest son - Lesley Mokwena in a car accident back in 2011, her son was only 24-years old when he passed on.
Candy recently shared a message about how much she still misses her son and how it still pains her to think that she will never see her son walk through the door anymore. The singer shared that the 2nd of August will always be a difficult day to accept as that is the day her son passed away.
Although it's been hard to let go, Candy has learned to understand and live with the painful loss of her eldest son.
"It's been 7-years without you, but still when I hear the knock on my door, thinking that it may be you. I'm missing you dearly son," she captioned a picture of her son when he was still a little boy.
Candy's son did not only leave his mother but also his daughter who was only 5-months old when he passed on.
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Main Image Credit: Instagram/@CandyTsaMandebeleSA.