Rami Chuene got the entire country talking this morning after she took to the timeline with a damning thread about how Kabomo failed to pay a number of creatives who starred in his film four years ago.
Rami Chuene is the talk of the town right now. From fans who are loving her exploits as T-Gom on The Queen to her real-life fans who were left in a state of shock after she shared the explosive thread on Twitter. The timing of her monologue was particularly interesting considering the conversations about actor exploitation that have dominated social media in recent weeks.
It began with Rami claiming that she was not going to discuss this matter behind closed doors and that she was ready to bring it to the timeline. What then followed was a thread of tweets that claimed that Kabomo had recruited a number of actors for a movie whom he couldn't afford to pay. Rami explained why they signed on to his project anyways. She began by saying:
"No need for DM’s, I can address the issue ya out here. This is not me trolling him but a movie was shot, there was no money to pay artists but people worked anyway. You know why? Here was a young, black creative in need of a break. A lot of actors believed in his dream..."
Judging from the timeline, uRami is referring to Kabomo's debut cinema offering, Droplets which saw life back in 2015. Rami went on to reveal how she didn't mind the lack of payment, but that the singer and actor's lack of communication is what became a problem:
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After claiming that she and other actors hadn't been paid for the last four years, Rami left Kabomo with a word of advice when she said, "I still wish you the best, you hustle like crazy everywhere- tv, music, radio, print- and you don’t stop pushing. You’re so talented wena Kabomo . I hope it pays off in a big way so you are able to pay others. Stop ‘scamming’ people, communicate, let’s move forward. I thank you."
Kabomo, for what it's worth, has yet to reply to the claims made by Rami Chuene. Other actors who starred in the production, including Gabi Tshabalala, corroborated this story.