"Decembering" is a fun, yet loose term that was used a lot over this past festive season, and many of us were doing a lot of "Decembering" - including anything from just lazing around, partying hard and drinking. For some, this also included having a lot of sex, (casual sex, especially).
Now December is also known as the month where a lot of promiscuity happens, there was even a joke about how some couples breakup, and only get back together in January.
Whilst this topic was still hot on social media, one of her followers wanted to know what Khany Mbau's thoughts were about casual sex and this is what she had to say: Twitter Khanyiis definitely on to something.
If you were unaware, there are a lot of energetic implications that occur when you engage in sexual intercourse with different people. Apparently this can affect your aura in many ways.
According to collectiveevolution.com, it is said that when you engage in a sexual act with someone, "their aura leaves an imprint on you that is difficult to energetically cleanse yourself from".
So, the next time you think of engaging in casual sex with someone, make sure you read up on sex and the transmission of energies, it might just save your sanity and health.