When Ms Madikizela took to Twitter to accuse DJ Fresh and Euphonik of drugging and raping her in 2011 a few days ago, DJ Fresh revealed that he doesn’t know her.
Then the former 94.7 DJ’s went on a tweeting spree this week when the NPA dropped the rape charges due to lack of evidence, with EuphoniK calling out Madikizela’s supporters and “toxic feminists” and DJ Fresh allegedly “tainting Madikizela’s character” by calling her a pathological liar on Twitter.
Fresh's tweets have now backfired as tweeps are wondering why "he's still obsessed with discrediting Madikizela" when the charges were dropped. They have now labelled him a liar as his tweets seem inconsistent.
The former 94.7 DJ tweeted 3weeks ago: “This is all so weird having to explain myself about a person I don’t even know!!!” and has now revealed that the family actually contacted him...the same family he tweeted about not knowing three weeks ago.
He replied to a tweet of someone who called Madikizela a pathological liar and tweeted yesterday: “Aunt of hers called me 3weeks ago stating EXACTLY THIS!!!She wouldn’t speak on the record coz “family.”
Now the Madikizela’s have released a statement in which they deny that any member of their family ever contacted the DJ and they’re also demanding evidence from Fresh of such a call. The Madikela’s also showed a united front against the DJ in the statement by stating that they absolutely believe their daughter, they’re proud of her and salute her for standing up for herself as many rape survivors aren’t as brave.
They’re also asking DJ Fresh to retract his false claims against their daughter immediately or provide more details of the “so-called phone call” that transpired between him and their family member.
Read the full statement here:The statement from the Madikizela's
Fresh replied to a tweep who called him a liar yesterday: “There is only one liar in this equation and she has all yall in a frenzy!! More to be revealed in the morning” and has just released a statement this morning from "Ms Madikizela's roommate" that taints Ms Madikizela as a liar once more:
Read the statement here: Here is a reaction from Simphiwe Dana and some tweeps:
We remember what he did to Penny. And the other to Bonang
"The statement doesn’t say it never happened but just say she was never there, therefore doesn’t have any knowledge of the incident."
“Those 2 been taunting this girl since the charges were dropped. A girl they claimed to have never met but know so much about her psyche. These are people who have been accused of rape and assault multiple times mxm.”
“The inconsistency is appalling.. how can an Aunty of a stranger, whom you claim have never met, have access to your personal number”
“I just hate how they are now bullying that lady it proves nje uba they have no respect for females or what so ever.”
“How do we ever let such atrocities slide with these men? Like forget about it & show up to their gigs, listen to them, buy into their BS?”
Tweeps are still waiting for the DJ to reveal Madikizela's aunts name that contacted the DJ 3 weeks ago!