This is a portion from what seems to be a larger lawsuit against Nasty C and Mabala Noise filed by the management company Freeworld Music, for R4.5M worth in damages and unpaid services. This has been going on since 2018, when they were ordered to pay the 4.5 Million which consisted of R3.5 million for loss of income and R1-million for damages by the same management company.
The award winning musician responded with a 'LOL' when the news trended. But in addition to that, he later had this to say:
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When news broke to fans that the Zulu Man With Some Power may have to give up a name he has used since he was in high school, they were livid. Especially by the fact that he called himself Nasty C before signing any contracts.
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Well, if matters are not resolved, Freeworld Music can keep the name because fans have come to the rapper's rescue.
As loyal fans, the Fanily (as the rapper's supporters are called) came up with a few suggestions to help the rapper come up with a new name.