The series shows viewers the private lives of former president Nelson Mandela's granddaughters Zaziwe Dlamini-Manaway and Swati Dlamini. It airs on DStv's Fox channel.
The two are daughters of Zenani Mandela, daughter of the former president and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. They grew up and still live in the US, where the series was filmed.
There was no love lost on Twitter for the young Mandelas, with many calling it vanity, exploitation and disrepectful.
"Is it wrong to say this show is really about exploiting Nelson Mandela's name?" social commentator and Mail & Guardian columnist Khaya Dlanga wanted to know.
"Mandela went to jail for 27 years so that we can have reality shows."
Nelson Mandela Foundation spokesman Sello Hatang said he hadn't even seen the TV show, let alone expected to gain anything from it.
"The show won't benefit the Nelson Mandela Foundation in any way," he said.
Other viewers said:
"Monwa Herman Rasego - Being Mandela, SMH, it's about time South Africans be honest, the only Mandela I care about is Nelson and Winnie, the rest can just forget."
Liesl Love - Being Mandela - a pinch of pretentiousness, a touch of 'over the top'mera! Ex of 'no point' - everythiing for the camera! Exploitation?
Raphael Asiedu Otu - "Mandela did not go to prison for this...Being Mandela series is a joke."
Theodore Moyo - "What is this absolute utter garbage reality TV show that is Being Mandela on Fox channle on dtsv. The poor man would be ashamed and disgusted!"
Did you watch? What do you think?