Read more: Lady Du Introduces A New Business Venture
Unknowingly, Lady Du finds herself having to answer to outraged tweets for her tweet, where she is advocating for men. In the tweet, Lady Du has threatens violence and called out girls who calls men broke as a problem in the society.
Lady Du continues to mention that the next she hears any woman calling any man broke, she will resort to violence with the said girl and or woman. Her gesture and using her voice to advocate for men did not quite resonate with scores of people, especial women who thinks Lady Du is trying too hard to be relevant.
"Ngize ngizwe a girl call a man broke again ngizok faka impama!!! The reason we have soooo much of a distraction is because of how the world is set up now, date your rich men in peace, let them buy you whatever you want but don’t degrade other men because of that STOP THAT SHIT!" wrote Lady Du
Ngize ngizwe a girl call a man broke again ngizok faka impama!!! The reason we have soooo much of a distraction is because of how the world is set up now, date your rich men in peace, let them buy you whatever you want but don’t degrade other men because of that STOP THAT SHIT!
— Ladydu (@Ladydu_sa) December 9, 2022
"Mind your the business that pays you mam" wrote Kedumetse Modise
Mind your the business that pays you mam
— Kedumetse_Modise (@Kedumetse_R) December 9, 2022
Sekusele kancani usidine wena.
— Sbuddah™🇿🇦🔌💡 (@Sbuddahmlangeni) December 9, 2022
Uyaphapha njalo wena
— Lucia (@Lucia726353) December 9, 2022
Stop that Shit word of the day
— MAHLATSE🇿🇦WA MOLOBEDU. (@Mahlats77140170) December 9, 2022
Ngeke sizwe ngawe Wena
— lee (@lee_Ostile_) December 9, 2022
"Siyabonga. Amen sisi. Men are going through a lot, can we not put any more pressure on them while they are trying bandla. Life is hard and full of challenges" wrote Mrs Khathi
Siyabonga. Amen sisi. Men are going through a lot, can we not put any more pressure on them while they are trying bandla. Life is hard and full of challenges.
— Mrs Khathi. Umama wabafana. God's favorite child (@6f7bb7d3f152457) December 9, 2022
Thank you Ma'am. Amakhanda abo agcwele ama handouts and they cannot even grasp the reality yokuba 70% of the youth is unemployed, 45 % of the country. Yiko badla amakaka e Dubai
— Armado Carillo Fuentes (@FlopGideon) December 9, 2022
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