MacG Chickens Out From Commenting On DJ Sumbody's Death

Tweeps are just as confused because this is the first time the Podcast refrains from commenting

By  | Nov 29, 2022, 10:23 AM  | Top of the

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An unprecedented time is on the horizons as the very vocal and unapologetic Podcast and Chill with Macg team chickens out from giving commentary. This comes after a topic about the passing of DJ Sumbody came about and both MacG and co-presenter Sol Phenduka chose not to say anything.

Read more: MacG Exposes Sony Music For Exploiting Him

Tweeps are just as astounded as everyone else, seeing the Podcast and Chill with MacG team refrains from giving commentary on a topic. This well known Podcast is notoriously famous for its ground breaking commentary, robust topics, risque content and nothing is usually off limit.

However, for the first time witnessing MacG and Sol Phendula choosing not to engage on a topic, especially the one that is still a topical issue was kind of disappointing for the fans and followers of the Podcast and Chill with MacG

Sol Phendula "The other owner of the club, whatever, we don't know. We cant go deeper into this thing
MacG: Yeah, no we can't
Sol Phendula: There's people willing to spray bullets like that, it is sad though, the death of anyway will always be sad man but 'yho',
MagC: Me, keep me there by the Phori's and Casspers that's fine.
Sol Phenduka: Yeah, we can say 'f*ck Phori'. But that one, it is above now hey, there's forces of play there

Once another clip the conversation continued between MacG and Sol Phenduka where both can be heard still resitting to give any commentary on DJ Sumbody's death, from a shooting incident that claimed his life.

Sol Phendula: Coz it's murder,
MacG: Hey man this sounds like some underground, mafia stuff. I choose my battes wisely,
Sol Phenduka: The boys from Pretoria, no! no! no!.
MacG: This is the first time I say fuck the podcast. It's above us.
Sol Phenduka: Let's not beat around the bush, rest in peace, it is sad, we live in a very violent country but it does sounds like a hit.
MacG: Sol, no! no!, I still want to smoke weed and be chat my son.
Sol Phenduka: Yeah, but we will leave it at that, but there's too many bullets

Some tweeps were found in complete disbelief that both Sol Phenduka and MacG wouldn't give their two cents surrounding the issue. The pair claims they are afraid of the people who shot and killed DJ Sumbody.

"For the first time ever MacG doesn't want to comment on a Topic, he really refused to comment on Dj Sumbody death "No, no, no... I choose my battles wisely, dawg! I don't want no smoke bro..." wrote Christo
"You know it’s Bad Bad Bad when MacG doesn’t wanna talk about …" wrote Malcolm Good
"This part of the podcast killed me so much. MacG didn’t even want ti say some stupid shit #PodcastAndChill" wrote Don Groovy
Read more: DJ Sumbody's Friend Refutes Claims That The DJ Was A Gangster

Image Credit: Twitter
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