Read more: Sonia Says Abusive Son Is In Rehab
After dubbed the mother of the year following her heartfelt statement that moved masses after her son was exposed for an abuser. Sonia Mbele finds herself in water hot for contradicting herself and doing the total opposite, when she took her son, Donell Mbele to rehab instead of prison.
Although tweeps have mixed emotions following this decision, other tweets have since criticized Sonia Mbele for protecting her son by sheltering him at rehab. Tweeps are certainly not jumping for joy at this decision as they feel as though the victim, Reokeditswe Makete was failed in the process.
"Instead of handing over her son to the nearest police station, Sonia Mbele handed over Donell Sedibe to rehab while his ex girlfriend Reokeditswe Makete is left numb. Prison is for poor people, the privileged will always find excuses" wrote Mans NOT Barry Roux
Instead of handing over her son to the nearest police station, Sonia Mbele handed over Donell Sedibe to rehab while his ex girlfriend Reokeditswe Makete is left numb. Prison is for poor people, the privileged will always find excuses.
— Man’s NOT Barry Roux (@AdvoBarryRoux) November 26, 2022
"She did right if Omphile want open the case she must do that it's not the responsibililty of the mother to open the case it should be the person who has been abused, Sonia is doing the right thing to correct the mindset of the boy by sending him to reheb case can still be openned" wrote Siya Mfundisi
She did right if Omphile want open the case she must do that it's not the responsibililty of the mother to open the case it should be the person who has been abused, Sonia is doing the right thing to correct the mindset of the boy by sending him to reheb case can still be openned
— Siya Mfundisi (@SiyaMfundisi) November 26, 2022
If the victim hasn't opened or for whatever reasons did not open a case, a member of the public can institute a private prosecution in terms of section 7 and 8 of the Criminal Procedure Act. Don't hlanyazisa nje if ungazi bafo
— Mpangazitha | Ntombela | Malandela (@MathewsNtanzi) November 26, 2022
"Haai. Sithule siyabuka .lol hand yr child? Yhooo" wrote Mduduzi Manyandi
Haai. Sithule siyabuka .lol hand yr child? Yhooo
— mduduzi manyandi (@ManyandiMduduzi) November 26, 2022
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