Sophie Lichaba is all about adopting a positive mindset following a very dark period she has gone through. Depression has been a hot topic all over social media for the past few weeks and the actress has re-entered the chat.
Speaking to Radio 2000, Sophie goes into detail about the period where she was losing a lot of weight. We all know Sophie from her Generations days as the voluptuous Queen Moroka. After taking a mini hiatus from the public life, she came back with a more thinner body.
The negativity from social media should be too much to handle but for Sophie, she says she saw nothing wrong with her body. According to the actress, she would still wear the same clothes 'Queen' wore, because the woman she saw in the mirror, did not reflect her reality.
She says she was very depressed that she could not see anything faulty with her body so people's opinions did not make sense. It was when she saw that she was resembling a "skeleton", where she started to accept her reality.
Sophie told the radio station, “I was at the deepest point of depression. I can't even explain it. When I think about it, I am like 'God, you saved me' because I would look in the mirror and see the same voluptuous woman. You wear the same clothes, the same style at that size and you still think it is normal. That is how deep it was, I couldn't see a thing."
“It was like 'Who are they talking about? They are talking about me!' I snapped out of it. Nobody came to me, no friends came to me, and said 'I think you are losing weight too rapidly'. Are you still on that diet?" she said, as quoted by TshisaLive.
Another woman who has defended her weight loss is Kuli Roberts who keeps chucking the middle finger at the naysayers. Unbothered by the nasty comments, Kuli continues to flaunt her smaller figure on social media. Some of the comments were so mean that at some point she had to mute the comments section on Instagram, however thanks to her thick skin, she did not delete the posts.
“It’s quite funny though, that people who are talking about me being skinny are the same people who are wearing cycling shorts under their clothes because they are not comfortable about the way the look, Truth is, everybody want to be thin,” said Kuli inan interview with Drum Online.