Boity has been working hard to show off her talent and drive in the entertainment industry for nearing a decade now. The multi-talented starlet is known for many things but chief among them is definitely her beauty.
Come to find out that the apple did not fall very far from the tree here. As soon as Boity began posting her mother, South Africa could tell that she got it from her mother.
Being the mom of an IT girl has many perks. One of them is amassing your own large social media following. Modiehi Thulo has over 20,000 Instagram followers and 40,000 followers on Twitter. The beautiful mom is loved for her love for fine things, fun times and her fabulous daughter. But, as usual, there are downsides to social media fame.
Modiehi Thulo has landed herself in hot water with a tweet that has been labelled homophobic and dangerous. The tweet is said to spread misinformation about anal sex, according to many of her outraged followers. In the tweet, Ms Thulo claims that she has seen many people dying "from constant anal sex."
Modiehi was innocently partaking in a popular twitter trend but ended up offending many of her followers. She very quickly then received a tidal wave of comments trying to educate her and call her out on her ignorance.
But, as in true Twitter fashion, people took the chance to turn this into a joke that doesn't seem to be dying down. Modiehi quickly made her account private after receiving a whole day's worth of insults from strangers on the internet.
Source: @SoDieketseng
Boity's mom has seen the short end of the social media popularity stick. Let's hope this all just blows over soon!