Linda Mtoba Defends Her Post

Linda Mtoba Defends Her Post

Jul 26, 2019, 08:00 AM

South African actress, Linda Mtoba innocuously posted a picture of her helper, Emma on Instagram, and boy did she get dragged for it. Some of her followers even wondered if she had asked permission to share her picture on Instagram.

In the picture, Emma can be seen sorting out Linda's clothes from her luggage. This was after the actress had just come back home from traveling. Upon uploading the picture, Linda went on to explain that she is not one to iron her clothes and do laundry. Therefore Emma helps her out in that regard.

''Back from my trip & I'm one of those people that tend to overpack 😓. I didn’t even wear half of these clothes & some that I did I only wore for an hour or so and had to change again.
So there’s no need to for unnecessary washing we’ll just
Emma uses
@day2sa on our delicates (likes of wool, cashmere)and denims.
Also comes in very handy for me when I travel as I’m not one to iron or do laundry 😂.''

Little did she know that the picture will receive so much negative attention. The 27-year-old explained to her curious followers, that Emma is an important fixture in her family and has previously posted quite a few pictures of her, with no complaints from Emma.

The former Isibaya actress, also went on to warn against her followers' rude attitude, as they might have been of the belief that they are "woke". But Linda wasn't having it, and these trolls weren't going to succeed at making her feel bad about her actions.

Linda's actions might have caused a stir but she fiercely dealt with the trolls. Take a look at the the engagement on Insta.

The below comment received a strong reaction from Linda.

Phiwo_Nkala: ''Emma this Emma that mnxxm uthi liyaphapha bongcwelengcwele be IG mina at this very moment I wish to be Emma ..!
I will be asking for pix everyday from my favorite ..!''

Linda_Mtoba: ''@Phiwo_Nkala, I literally take pics of Emma all the time she’s on my snaps she likes it. She’s a part of my family and an important part at that, of course I’ll treat her like family. If it were my mom doing I would’ve done the same thing. Ppl like to regard those that help them in the home like they aren’t family. She’s my family.''

Igugu: ''Emma uses........ was there a need?! 🤔 We still have a very long way to go bantu abamnyama!''

The above comment clearly irked Linda, check out her response.

Linda_Mtoba: ''musa ukuphapha wena! Can you read ngoba it states how we both use it. Don’t reach for nonsense.''

By the look of things, it seems that, the whole situation was blown out of proportion. Surely Linda can post whomever she wants on her social media accounts, right?

Main Image Credit:Instagram/Linda_Mtoba
Written by

Lungile Ntuli

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