Cassper never ceases to entertain and give his all with every Fill Up concert, despite the mind boggling expenses himself and his team are always faced with.
The Mufasa gang, from every corner of Mzansi, made their way to #FillUpRoyalBafokengStadium and they were thoroughly entertained. Everyone has been raving about Cass' ability to host a concert that is of high standards, but with that comes a truckload of expenses that often come with minimum or no sponsorship.
When a fan requested that the #WeBackHomeFest be of the same standard as Fill Up Royal Bafokeng, one of Nyovest's team members schooled him on the expenses involved in stage production alone.
The stage alone costs more than R8 million!
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@BridgeBossTLee broke down the figures: "Brother that stage is R8 300 000,00 with additional random costs. Crew of 50 per shift to build, 2 x shifts per day, u cater & provide accommodation for all. 7 days straight."
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Mufasa has been giving fans world-class concerts for 5 years now and each year the expenses for the stage keep increasing.