Dineo Ranaka Slammed For Her "Cow Worship" Comments

The last episode of #TheRanakas was odd

By  | Jan 28, 2022, 10:42 AM  | Dineo Ranaka  | Drama

Image of Dineo Ranaka
Dineo Ranaka is one of Mzansi's most polarising celebrities: you either love her intensely, or can't stand her. And now her critics are clowning her for being "fake deep". 
Following a recent episode of the reality show on which she stars with her family, The Ranakas, viewers now think Dineo tries too hard to sound deep and spiritual, even when some of the things she is talking about sound like nonsense to listeners. 

In the latest episode, Dineo opened up about her ancestral calling as the family explored African spirituality. Speaking there, she said that it's a beautiful journey to graduate in traditional healing. It then cut to a scene of Dineo nude in a river, with water being poured over her head. This was the first thing that caught the attention of social media users, as they thought it was odd. 
But it all got more interesting when Dineo talked about eating steak being wrong because it is tantamount to eating ancestors. She believes that cows should be given some measure of veneration, which immediately rubbed fans the wrong way. 
Tweeps think that something about her is either deeply fake, or that she just wants to make herself sound more spiritual than others around her. But some think that she is just deeply in touch with her ancestral calling, which they believe is a great thing; we Africans need to be more in touch with our roots. 

Read also: Mzansi Is Convinced Dineo Ranaka Is Toxic

But it wasnโ€™t all negative feedback about the episode. Ntate Ranaka, the familyโ€™s patriarch grabbed the attention of all the viewers. He often shows his vulnerable side, a trait which is rare among men. Fans think that it is a great sign that he is open enough to be emotional on national TV, and they love the precedent he is setting for Mzansi men. 
Dineo has had a lot of controversy in the past couple of months. She was suspended from her radio presenter job at Metro FM because of participating in the viral Umlando dance challenge. The channel was apparently upset because she danced on expensive office furniture. 
After a lot of controversy following the decision, her suspension was finally lifted and she was reinstated at the job. She has counted this as a victory, and luckily for her, she has had multiple other wins. She just announced that she will be on a new upcoming show, although she is yet to go public with further details. 
Dineo has also announced that she will be dropping a new single called Umkhokha, for which she is very excited. Things are looking up for her, and we are excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for the queen. 
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