After a heartfelt 4-part response to the Chris Nkosi rape allegations, the country stood in solidarity with Lalla Hiriyamaand many other women who came forward to speak out.
In her statement, Lalla had also detailed the unhealthy relationship she has with her father; who she says is a drug addict. She detailed the difficulties of not having a man to look up to, hence her dependence on Chris Nkosi when he showed interest in her and gave her the love she had always been seeking.
Recently, she posted on her Twitter account that she will be seeking safety in Japan and will be accompanied by her mother as well. The 2 month trip to Japan is also a work trip came to her at a time where she claims is dangerous and taking her mother with will guarantee their safety.
Lalla cited personal issues at home as part of her reason for the trip to Japan
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Lalla is known for taking lavish Instagram pictures, however in this situation the Massive Music presenter says she is not in that headspace right now. It is also alleged that she tried getting restraining orders but to her those are just pieced of paper that eventually do not guarantee a person’s safety.
She is calling on people to come together and do something about the current situation that we are in. She is looking to start an initiative for women who seek refuge from their abusers because the government is doing nothing.
She Tweeted: “There are so many women who cannot get away from their emotional/physical abusers/manipulators. Can we create a safe haven for women who need help! I am asking as someone who wants to put something together but needs assistance. Our government is doing nothing.”
This initiative is her way of assisting women who are in situations that threaten their safety and is calling on different bodies of society including celebrities, influencers, ministers, MDs of local corporates as well as organisations for women and children to come together and come up with solutions for this epidemic that has been swept under the rug for the longest time now.
The presenter also talks about an encounter she had with an employee from Huawei who sexualised her in a very uncomfortable manner and called the person out on their abuse.
Lalla’s planned initiative has been welcomed by many people mostly women in similar situations and seems to be underway.