Actress and presenter, Pearl Thusi has come under fire for tweeting about her lost phone while social media was mourning the loss of Uyinene Mrwetyana and many other women and children who've been murdered and raped in the country.
She had tweeted that she misses her phone and urged fans to help her find it under #PearlsAmberSunrise.
“I really miss my Amber Sunrise P30 Pro (even though I only had it for 24 hours. Together with Huawei I have decided to put together an amazing REWARD for whoever helps me find my Smartphone. Help find #PearlsAmberSunrise 🙏🏽😭🙏🏽😭,"she wrote.
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However, many did not take kindly to the tweet. Many labelled her "insensitive" and told her that her timing was off.
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Pearl's fans did defend her, though - with some reminding black Twitter to not lose focus of the situation at hand.
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Another user called out gender inequality in the attack against Pearls, saying that DJ Shimza's timing was also off but there is not outrage.