Have you ever loved a celebrity so much that it borders on an obsession? Well, that is what influencer Zoe Msutwana is getting slammed for after she showed a side of her love for reality TV that may have gone a bit too far.
As social media reporter Musa Khawula recently shared, the influencer had proudly framed a tweet from Kim Kardashian. She had tweeted about them, saying that she had been following and studying their lives for over ten years. She said she was proud of how far they have come, and had been taking notes from them.
American reality TV star Kim Kardashian responded to her tweet, saying she and her family loved Zoe. Naturally, Msutwana was star struck, as she probably never expected that they would actually respond to her. She went ahead to frame the tweet, but did not mention where she would display the badge of honour.
But the move was not received with as much enthusiasm as she had for it. As soon as Musa reposted it on Twitter, social media users descended on Zoe to express their disappointment, calling her all sorts of names, from shallow to dumb, to saying she was a shameless groupie, and it was embarrassing to watch.
Zoe has since spotted all the hate going on, and has addressed the tweep who shared the pictures. She said that while she respects him and the space he occupies in the Twitter and celebrity ecosystem, she did not appreciate the fact that he posted about her, exposing her to all the vile responses she was getting.
Hi Musa - while I support your platform as a social media reporter I hope you’re aware of how dangerous your audience is. I thoroughly do not appreciate you broadcasting my posts and exposing me to small mindedness, misogyny, abuse and filth. https://t.co/ct43PBqBGV
But if you thought Zoe’s response would be all sweetness, think again. Having handled the origin, Musa, in a very classy and civil manner, she turned her attention to the trolls who were directing vitriol at her. She rolled up her sleeves and showed that she can go down and dirty with the worst of them, and we’ve got to respect her for that.
Nothing about your profile pic looks good either! But as long as you are happy wethu😞♥️ https://t.co/GVXk4SQCD4
It has not deterred the haters from coming for her some more; it has only fueled them. But that is what often happens in such situations, and it is often best to just ignore them. After all, the uproar is sure to die down in a few days at most, when something more exciting comes up.
Framing a tweet from Kim Kardashian is certainly a level of adoration we haven’t seen before. And while we personally wouldn’t do it, we wouldn’t go as far as to stop others from doing it. I mean, which of us hasn’t clowned for a celebrity before, am I right? What do you think? Did she go too far?