Zolisa Xaluva is one of South Africa's most popular actors. The media personality has been in the entertainment industry for several years and a couple of years ago, he was one of the Generations cast members who got fired by Mdundi Vundla and life has seemingly gone on for him.
The SAFTA winning actor who currently plays Diamond on The Queen opened up about what he learned from being fired.
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In an Interview on Trending SA, Zolisa said that he knows the importance of fighting for what is right.
"I don't wish to attack the man himself, I believe in playing the ball. So I won't be drawn to an argument about Mfundi himself. But he says something very interesting about a upward trajectory. I think if anything was going on an upward trajectory, it would have been the show itself which evidently over the last 5 years has dropped tremendously in ratings since the departure of the 16."
Xolisa is not the first star who has been fired, it was recently reported that the producers of The River decided to end Malefu's storyline portrayed by Moshidi Motshegwa. Speaking to Azania on 702, the actress revealed that she would not return to reprise her role on the show:
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“They said they don't have a story for Malefu. It's as simple as that, that is what the producers have said. I am repeating what the producers said,” she explained at the time.