Tsonga musician Benny Mayengani needed some serious cheering up after Saturday's #FillUpPeterMokaba disaster. Luckily, the love of his life was on hand to remind him of the most important things in his life and the singer decided he was convinced: It was time to pay Lobola!
President Mayengani added a first lady to his life when he and his representatives visited the home of his longtime girlfriend, Cynthia Ngobeni this weekend. Ngobeni has even gone as far as changing her Instagram title to "First Lady" in celebration of the landmark achievement for the couple.
Mayengani admits that the Lobola negotiations, his concert and the subsequent welcoming of the families were meant to mark the perfect weekend. But despite the Peter Mokaba disaster, the singer admits that his and Cynthia's ceremony was never under threat. Speaking to Daily Sun he said:
"The lobola process was completed on Good Friday and it was already planned that on Easter-Monday we will have a welcoming ceremony for her into my family."
"There was no way the ceremony could be cancelled due to what happened at Peter Mokaba Stadium. I had to carry on with life, it’s part of life and I am very glad that the welcoming ceremony went well,"
Benny shared pictures alongside his beautiful bride on social media:
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The singer has definitely come a long way from the days he used to brag about stealing people's girlfriends on the timeline: