In the video, she said that her problems started in march and in that she had to march for herself and her peace of mind. Even though she may be in pain and has finally gotten there.
Mbali said she found a man who had opportunity in his mind and they made a decision to build together and now he is built. She says she agreed to take parts of her life she considered so important to her and put them aside to what they had work and in the end, it did not work.
"I'm not a victim. Even though at times the pain may feel that way or has felt that way, I am not a victim. I am a woman who helped build her man. I am a woman who created a shell to protect her family even though my name was splashed all over newspaper, thrice four times a year, it's okay, I have lived through it and you have watched me publicly heal, hurt, create success of myself. Take nothing and turn it into something.
Even when there was a thousand fingers pointing untruths at me, here I am...I have turned this narrative that doesn't belong to me, a gold digger, the mean woman who wants to take everything from this man. I have turned all of that and turned it into something."
Mbali then said she feels as though she has doubled everything that was given to her. She says she has taken pain and turned into happiness and joy. She has taken ridicule and turned into strength. She has taken everything the universe has taken and turned it into something good yet people choose to ignore that and focus on the negative.
She also thanked the queens that are always standing with her and reassuring her that everything is gonna be okay, "I speak in one voice but there's a whole lot of women echoing what I'm saying, holding my hand and tapping my shoulder and for that I am forever grateful.
I couldn't have done most of what I have done without your experiences. I see my inbox, I get the texts from women I have never met who've been through similar situations, the women I walk past in the street who say, 'babe i wish i had the strength you had. You are doing the right thing never feel like you're doing the wrong thing'
She further said that people now know that it is possible to fight the self even when you're fighting a giant. She said she has stood up so everyone can do the same thing she has done. Mbali then said people should live through the pain and walk proudly, head strong through the pain , to walk through the tunnel even when there's no light.
Enhle-Mbali says she's not a gold digger but a woman who helped build DJ Black Coffee's career.