Television and radio personality Masechaba Ndlovu has welcomed her newborn baby named Lukhanyo. Ndlovu, who now used the name Khumalo shared the beautiful news with her fans on social media.
She wrote a heartfelt letter which she shared on social media welcoming her son to the world.
“Welcome to the world my son! Your dad and I are ecstatic that you are finally here. Although it's been 2 weeks, it feels like 2 MONTHS, as we've barely gotten any sleep!
“I honestly don't know how I would have coped if it were not for your dad. Steve Harvey says ''there are fathers and there are daddys''. Anyone can be a father; but you have a daddy. With the exception of the nurse who gave you your first bath at the hospital while your daddy proudly observed, your dad is the only person who has bathed you since you were born. It's become your daddy-baby bonding time in the evenings. It gives me so much joy to just relax and watch him render such a powerful act of service to you. I'm in awe every single day,” wrote Ndlovu.
She shared that before Lukhanyo was born, she knew that we were going to “breastfeed” him as the “wanted the best” for him.
“The first few days were tough & we had to top up with formulae. Your dad encouraged me every day & he believed in what I was trying to do, even during that initial period when my milk was not sufficient for you. Your dad never stopped believing & instead encouraged & even assisted me to latch you on my breast before your bottle feeds. With each passing day, the top ups became less frequent & smaller in quantity and eventually we abandoned the formulae altogether,” Masechaba explained.
“Now, the only time you're not breastfeeding is when you are bathing or sleeping! Uyalithanda ibele mntwana-bantu! 🙆🏽♀️ And we love it for you! 😄 So much so, that we have fully embraced waking up at unGodly hours to feed you. I say 'we' because your daddy is right there in the trenches with me at 2am when I am up for feeds. Either passing the wet wipes while we change your nappy or holding up the cellphone flashlight so we can see during loadshedding.”
In conclusion, the former Metro FM presenter wrote that “a mother is a man's first love so this is my very first love letter to you and the first of many to come. I love you son. Your brothers ADORE you. Thank you for inspiring the best version of me. Happy earth coming."