We are currently living in the era of the viral video. An era where a baby biting his sibling's finger is almost a sure fire way to guarantee hits. An era dominated by the Harlem Shake, Gangnam Style and Justin Bieber *Gag Reflex* You can either fight it, or embrace it. We choose to embrace this era, it's not all that bad.
The newest sensation to make its way onto the internet is the now-smash hit, "The Fox" by Norwegian brothers, Ylvis. The pair released the song on the 3rd of September and it has already amassed an incredible 10 million views in 6 days. While that's not quite Miley Cyrus and One Direction Vevo-Record-Breaking Standards; it's still impressive enough, especially for a pair of relative unknowns. If you're not seeing this video all over international and local entertainment news headlines, you will be soon enough! But for now, watch it for yourself and tell us what you think of "The Fox"
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