Radio and TV personalityAnele Mdoda comes under fire for sharing her childhood picture on Twitter. Tweeps are cutting her down to size for her looks back when was a child to now, more especially her gap tooth.
Evidently, tweeps will not let Anele Mdoda rest in peace with her looks especially her visibly gap tooth. Following after Mdoda shared her beautiful childhood picture with a cute caption to accompany it. Tweeps are since breathing down her neck because of her most debatable and controversial gap tooth.
Most certainly Mdoda did not anticipate so much hatred and animosity she is receiving on Twitter once after sharing her childhood picture. While the radio DJ is currently in Hollywood, hosting and MC'ing the red carpet for the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Lion King on Broadway in New York.
The nasty comments flooded on Anele Mdoda's tweeps as tweeps are calling her gap tooth 'man made' and not natural. Like in most every child, gap tooth is bound to be on the sides or simple in the middle. However, Mdoda it appears that Mdoda is catching more strays because she is famous and celebrated.
Although Mdoda enjoys a good social media squabble, she have not responded to all the jabs taken to her because of her gap tooth. The radio DJ is currently in America after honoring Lebo M's invitation to go there and host the red carpet at the 25th Lion King Anniversary Celebrations in Broadway, New York City.