Carmel Fisher is ready to pop... in America

By  | Jun 22, 2020, 01:46 PM  | Carmel Fisher  | Top of The

Carmel Fisher is gearing up for the birth of her first child.

The actress is 37 weeks pregnant, and looks just about ready to pop. Her baby is due on May 8, which is just around the corner! 

"I can't fully express how grateful I am for having been blessed with a pregnancy that has been so easy, healthy & fun! I know it's not the norm that's why I am so grateful... and I just pray & look forward to a birthing experience that tops it!" she captioned a picture of her baby bump on Instagram.

It looks like Carmel's little angel will be born in America. 

Carmel and her partner, Dion Gabrielides, have spent the past month in the country. 

She recently shared a picture of a birth centre in Hollywood, Florida, where she plans to give birth. 

"Found an amazing birth centre that is supremely natural & look forward to partnering with them through this incredible journey," she said on Instagram. 

Check out the cute baby bump photos Carmel shared. 

PHOTOS: Carmel Fisherโ€™s elegant baby shower

Image credit: instagram/carmelfisher