Could one of Skeem Saam’s biggest stars, Thabo Mkhabela who plays Leshole Mabitsela on the drama be leaving the show? We’re worried that this could be the case. Leshole has been accepted at the South Africa air force and has been saying his goodbyes to his friends at Turfloop as he readies to grab this new opportunity with both hands. He has even notified the landlord that he’ll be moving out of the house that he’s shared with his father Big Boy Mabitsela for so many years. He’ll be vacating the property in two weeks.
Seeing that the character of Leshole could be out of Turfloop for a while, will we ever get to see him again? Viewers have taken to social media to express their delight at the fact that some good is coming to his life as it always seemed like there was a dark cloud hanging over his head. The writers of the show have often received backlash on how they treated his character. He’s been destined to fail from day one.
Thabo Mkhabela, however, has said nothing about leaving the drama and the soapie has not issued any statement so it’s all conspiracy at this stage. Mkhabela, was sighted promoting Skeem Saam on their social media pages encouraging viewers to tune in. “Eyo ladies and gentlemen it is your boy Thabo Mkhabela aka Mphe ena, aka Leshole from Skeem Saam. Watch us, Skeem Saam, Monday to Friday 18h30. It’s a date. Mzansi for sho,” he encouraged viewers.
Things have been lit on the drama. Pretty stormed out of Turfloop to run away from her family problems and ended up falling for notorious businessman Lehasa Maphosa. The two have already shared a bed and she’s been living with him. This has been going on behind her boyfriend, Kat’s back. After searching for Pretty in Johannesburg, Malume Sfiso had to force Pretty’s whereabouts out of her high school friend Eunice. After learning about this, he informed his nephew, Zamokuhle who also informed Kat about what happened. The two, who have not taken the news well, have left Turf in the middle of the night and are on their way to Johannesburg to ‘teach Lehasa a lesson’. Thabo, who is worried about their safety has followed suit to stop them in the quest.