Five times Prince Kaybee gave us bops

The man has a talent for making people get down

By  | Jun 22, 2020, 01:44 PM  | Prince Kaybee  | Top of The

Prince Kaybee

Admit it, you like Club Controller. If you've been to a party and heard the song you've probably tried to hold yourself back but nope. 

But that's the gift of Prince Kaybee's music: the fact that it always makes you want to get down. So today, we are looking at the 5 songs that made him a certified hitmaker in South Africa.

1. Charlotte

Though not the only one, this song made a lot of people realise that the man has a thing for the guitar. Not just that but he also has a thing for vocalists as proven by his using the talented Lady Zamar. A bop of note. 

2. Friendzone 

Carrying on his love for having vocalists, he asked Ziyon to come help him express his interest in a specific woman. 

3. Club Controller

This is probably one of his greatest and probably most dramatic findings ever. On thing is for sure though, when this song comes on, people tend to lose it. Come on, admit it. 

4. Better Days

Back in the days when the man was starting out, before the cars and when the dreadlocks were still popping he dropped this as a secondary introduction to the game.

5. Club Controller Remix

The saying usually goes if it ain't broke don't fix it. Well, Prince Kaybee saw that it wasn't broke and decided to add more to it. This more soulful remix takes us back and reminds us why we loved the original. 

Today as he celebrates another year in his life cycle, we say keep the hits coming. We're definitely going to keep giving you our ears. Happy birthday Prince Kaybee. 

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