"You don't have a calling, it's anxiety!" exclaimed Khanyi Mbau.
Her statement ruffled a few feathers however many people seem to agree with her.
Read more: "Now Everyone Is A Sangoma?"
"This is the most anxious generation," she started off. "That's why we have so many sangomas… Urban sangomas," she added.
Khanyi then went on to say that anxiety is so wild, people will end up hearing drums. She then advised people to laugh it off when they have such panic attacks because they are not alone.
"Laugh it off, you aren't alone just get magnesium and a bit of sun B12 and have sea moss. That's the only sea you need."
Khanyi then said she is not out to attack people, she is just trying to save them money. "I am not attacking you, just saving you money. Stop buying cows, chicken and goats. Instead of buying melatonin to help you sleep and to boost your serotonin so your mood is better. Magnesium tabs and lots of B12 you can be your own healer," said Khanyi.

Khanyi's onscreen hubby Mondli Makhoba recently opened up about his sangomas journey. “I’ll have these episodes… like I wasn’t asleep, but my mind would go to a certain zone. And it only makes sense now, I didn’t understand it then.”
Sol Phenduka asked, “How does it make sense now, how do you mean?”
He then responds, “It makes sense now because I have a spiritual gift. I have a calling…”
There are quiet a few sangomas in Mzansi and one of them is Gogo Maweni. She used to be called a fake sangomas and she responded. "I was not going to address this but it is actually very funny that a whole human being that was birthed, that was pushed out by its mother has the audacity to create a fake account to tarnish the names of the healers in South Africa. Firstly, mind you, why don't you have the balls to create an account with your real name and real pictures?" asked Maweni.
"I was never born into poverty. I knew there was Louis Vuitton and Gucci before I became a healer. I knew how champagne tasted like before I became a healer. You have so much time, you have nothing else to do but to sit and think about something nasty to say about the famous South African healers. I'm so perplexed because I traveled the world before you even thought about it, I've sat in the most expensive cars, I grew up in a big house, I was never brought up in poverty," she further said.
"I never became who I am because I am healer. I have always lived a high standard life. I am surprised that somebody feels that somehow we are manipulating people to buy expensive clothes, drinks and cars.. I was never brought up in poverty and I have never suffered in my life so don't talk sh*t about me," she said.
Image credit: ANMG