Namibian socialite, self-proclaimed businessman and Forex Trader Michael Amushelo is no stranger to the public eye and definitely knows how to rile his 166 000 followers up with a good Instagram post.
Since his silent shade battle with his ex who recently is thought to have shaded the controversial businessman, And we can't forget the comments he made about “mentally broke women” also had the internet reacting wildly, in that fiery post Amushelelo let his feelings over women who want financially well off men when they aren’t in the same tax Bracket most of the time.
This time he was part of an important conversation around alcohol use, he was praised for using his platform for something quite positive. Two days ago the Namibian businessman took to his Instagram to share an important moment and milestone in his personal growth, he took to Instagram writing;
“... In 2012 I quit alcohol and made a personal deal with myself, the deal was that I will not drink alcohol until I become a millionaire, I eventually ended up becoming a millionaire but I didn’t start drinking again, because the feeling of being sober, aware and in charge is a feeling I would never trade for a glass of alcohol….I am not guaranteeing you anything, but go ahead and quit drinking alcohol and see if you won’t notice improvements in your life. Take note if you wish to quit drinking alcohol you don’t need a witch doctor or pastor to pray for you in order to quit. Quitting is quite easy, you just have to be disciplined.
Though Amushelelo managed to make a lasting impression on his followers drawing in a variety of comments and reactions on his journey with alcohol
We are here for the personal growth and positive energy Amushelelo is spreading to Namibian Youth. We look forward to more inspirational content from Amushelelo.