Ntando Mthethwa is mourning the death of a loved one

The former Miss South Africa is mourning 

By  | Jun 22, 2020, 01:44 PM  | Ntando Mthethwa  | Drama

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Ntandoyenkosi Kunene was thrust into the spotlight a couple of years ago when she was crowned Miss South Africa and since her reign, she has managed to solidify herself as one of South Africa's most loved women. 

Over the years, Ntando has shared her life with us, from her graduation to recently getting married to Khaya Mthetwa, the starlet is open about her milestones.

The newlywed recently lost her father and taking to Instagram, she shared a heartfelt post.

"Somehow, I always thought you would be around. I thought you would be one of those very old people in our family. I thought you would see my children and, I thought you would be there seeing your last born graduate. I thought you and mom would be that very old couple that we would continuously celebrate," she wrote in part. Take a look at the message below: 

Somehow, I always thought you would be around. I thought you would be one of those very old people in our family. I thought you would see my children and, I thought you would be there seeing your last born graduate. I thought you and mom would be that very old couple that we would continuously celebrate. I thought of all this and God thought of something else. It is difficult not having you around; it hurts and it’s confusing. My heart aches everytime I see the love of your life; the lonely hours she now has to live with. The waking up in the middle of the night and you're not around. The days that are not filled by your voice. You were our father and her friend, confidant, lover and greatest joy. She has nothing but great things to say about you... I know this is harder on her. Dad, thank you for loving us and always making your family a priority. I have always loved and adored you. #RestInEternalPeace #MyPowerCouple

A post shared by Ntandoyenkosi Kunene-Mthethwa (@mthethwa_ntando) on

Condolences to Ntando & her family.

Main image credit: instagram.com/@mthethwa_ntando

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