On April 27, Mzansi celebrates Freedom Day and whilst the day is used to commemorate the first post-apartheid elections held on that day in 1994, it also means various things to people.
Actress Katlego Danke on Freedom Day shared a throwback picture of herself and shared her year of being in matric signaled freedom for her.
"Matric year brought the freedom to make serious decisions about my life, leave school and home, and the freedom to begin the life of independence I was so hungry for," shared theGomoraactress.
Katlego shared that as Mzansi celebrates the historic public holiday differently this year she has reflected on what freedom exactly means to her, so many years later.
"Freedom to be myself, freedom to be unique. Freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. Freedom to love and allow myself to be loved. Freedom to express myself without fear. Freedom to write the chapters of my life as I so please," wrote Katlego.