AKA’s interview on The Bat Leader TV is currently trending and the rapper is answering all the burning questions. He opens about the nature of their relationship, why he broke down that door and drug abuse.
“As a couple, we did have a very tumultuous relationship. We both very passionate people. We passionately loved each other, very much. That is why we wanted to build our whole lives together. But I think passion goes both ways in this case.”Adds the musician.
“Disagreements that we had could be quite intense. On that day when we were speaking, it was about a variety of issues in our relationship. Issues I don’t feel I want to lay bare because Anele is not here to speak for herself. Anele is not here to give her side of the story. But what I can tell you is, it was like any other relationship which there were problems and issues and insecurities”, said AKA.
On Breaking Down The Door
“It’s not something that I’m proud of and it’s something I should own and If I could redo it or get to that point again or go back in time, which Is what I keep saying to myself about a lot of things when somebody passes like this. I keep thinking – could I have done something different, could I have done better? And that torments me every single day.”
On Abuse In Their Relationship
“But I know that what I am not is an abuser. I am not someone who would abuse Anele, I treated her like gold. She was my everything and still remains my everything. I would wake up every single day thinking how happy could I make this person.
When she says “you don’t know what he’s doing to me,” I cannot speak to that. Because she’s not here. I can only wonder what she was talking about But what I do know is that I loved her and I did everything I could to take care of her.”
Owning Up To His Actions
“It was an argument that we were having. To tell you the truth, I cannot recall what we were arguing about. But what I do remember is breaking that door. I can only imagine how scared she must have been. I can only imagine how terrified I must have made her and that’s something I own and I wish I could change. My heart breaks just thinking about it. People make mistakes and that’s a mistake I made and there are consequences for mistakes.” Read Next: Black Coffee’s Vicious Clap Back Main Picture Credit: YouTube