South African media personality, Bontle Modiselle, commemorated her first Mother’s Day by sharing rare visuals of her baby girl, Afrika. Both Bontle and her husband, rapper, Priddy Ugly, have kept their baby to themselves since she was born, however, they have recently been more open to sharing her on social media. Baby Afrika is growing and she has recently turned one and her parents threw her a birthday party.
"She’s been A1 since day one! We’re trying to hustle a lift in that Range 🔥😂. We gave our little angel an intimate Rubber ducky themed First Bday celebration. Fit for a queen. Such a treat! @nono_events took care of business and did faaar more than what we hoped for. Thank you so much - you’re forever amazing! ❤️"
This is not the only time we haave seen her, another video showed Bontle breastfeeding Afrika whilst she sang to her about cleaning up their house. Thereafter, the new mother shared a hilarious clip of her husband chasing their dog, whilst Afrika giggled loudly. Sitting in her play chair, the five-month-old couldn’t get enough of her father as he upped his antics to make her laugh.
Bontle captioned the post with, “It’s the highest honour to be a mother, to you Afrika. The greatest of all callings. A very very scary purpose to fulfill, being trusted with an entire soul to nurture and guide. I’ll be and do ANYTHING and everything you need me to be/do, for you little Afrika.”