Solange has officially changed the wedding game and the ladies are shaking in their boots! How on earth are they going to top such an authentically styled wedding? Now, we will admit that her style isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but even fashion blogs couldn’t deny the aesthetically perfect matrimony that was Solange and Alan’s union.
The best part of it is that it didn't even look expensive to plan. The guests were even driven around in a school bus! Now ladies we're not saying go out there and hire a Putco bus for your guests but an element of surprise at your wedding will definitely have your girlfriends talking for months on end.
We can only imagine the creative damage this wedding has inflicted on wedding planners throughout the world but then again nothing is ever new under the sun. So if you happen to see someone strolling on a bicycle on their wedding day please don't throw any shade their way, it's called borrowing an idea and making it "yours".
This bottom tweet is so true though. But ladies like we said, there's nothing wrong with borrowing an idea just make sure you add your own personality into the spin of things.
However, we will add that our South African ladies shouldn't worry about topping Solange's wedding choreography, it was quite dull even if she was dancing with her 10 year old son. We can confidently say that South African's know how to own the dancefloor at weddings.
Catch our drift?