#SAFTAs14 Organisers Apologize For Disappointing Show

It was a mess

By  | Apr 30, 2020, 06:59 PM 

The South African Film and Television Awards were held yesterday and everything that could go wrong did.

Fans were like: "dressed up with nowhere to go"

Scheduled to take place at 5pm yesterday, the organisers were faced with a lot of unforeseen circumstances resulting in the show starting at 11pm.

To say the fans were disappointed would be an understatement but they braved the backlash and announced the winners on Youtube Live.

The organisers have also taken the time to thank everyone who tuned in while apologising for the mishaps.

"Last night, the SAFTAs endeavoured to host the 14th Annual Awards Ceremony on social media in response to the uncertainty around the duration of the current nationwide lockdown.
In trying to use technology to celebrate our industry, we faced unforeseen technical difficulties that severely hampered the streaming of the show. Despite our best efforts, we were unable able to deliver a show to the standards we had hoped for and for that we sincerely apologise.
We would like to send a final word of apology to our nominees, winners, stakeholders, our friends in media as well as the general public that, despite the delay stayed up with us last night to celebrate South Africa's film and television talent. "

Main Image Credit: W24