On Monday evening, the State Of Black Twitter Address (SOBTA2020) was held by the order of Umalambane, the new Twitter account which seems to have taken over from Advo Barry Roux.
Umalambane held his first address on Twitter where he announced his new cabinet since the cancelation of Advovo and he was elected.
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The #SOBTA2020 even had an entire after-party held KwaJoe.
A cabinet of 10 ministers was announced with the rest of the cabinet being nominated by black twitter. The cabinet consists of @TakaTina1 as Deputy President, @uLerato_pillay as Minister of International relations & Foreign Affairs, @Fitzamaswazi as minister of health and fitness, @ShadayaKnight as Minister of gender equality, @CeegaWaMeropa1 as Minister of groove, @Nthapeleng as Minister of small business and agriculture, @MasekoValencia as minister of spiritual growth, faith and motivation and @Tumi_Seeco as Minister of Twerkathons.
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The new public protector was announced as @SciTheComedist and Simon from Date My Family gave the closing prayer.
Advovo has not responded to the new cabinet but the parody account did retweet a tweet from TakaTina saying that he is Black Twitter Africa's chairman.
"We run formal elections in May here chief, not le nonsense niyenzayo ingathi grade 2`s voting for someone to write noisemakers."