These male Zalebs are proof that good, decent men do exist.
Not only are they speaking up about issues affecting our country; like gender-based violence, but they are also using their platform to educate other men about not repeating the vicious cycle of abuse.
Uyinene Mrwetyana and other females around the country who were brutally raped and killed in the past week have been a talking point in conversation amoungst South Africans face-to-face and even the social media streets.
And whilst many have spoken out about the steps women can take to protect themselves from their perpetrators, many more feel the need to shift the ideology that any form of violence or abuse against women is, in fact a men's issue.
This M&G tweet sums it up perfectly;
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With that being said, these male Zalebs are doing the most to highlight SA’s femicide...
The radio jock is holding all men accountable for the words and actions.
He wrote on Instagram; “It’s time we not only address BROTHERS, but that BROTHERS start taking some sort of responsibility for our direct and indirect role played in having women live under siege."
The TV personality has been the loudest critic of government and is definitely putting his money where his mouth is by leading campaigns and marches for women.
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Maps Maponyane
Maps is an ardent activist for women’s rights and for demanding justice.
He tweeted; "Rape & femicide is commonplace in our society...There has to be something that we can actively do, especially us as men. What? I don't know anymore, but the solution has nothing to do with women."
The soapie actor is fresh off a 'Brotherhood' campaign in which he made a passionate plea to men to stop beating their partners.
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Of the recent spate of attacks, he wrote on social media; "Let’s not talk about what needs to be done, but let us take actions that would change the behaviors of young men and the older generation, let’s bring back lost dignity and trust in men, and ensure that every young girl is treated as a princess and women are treated as queens."
The rapper's hard-hitting tweets hit home for many fans, including male ones
Despite the criticism he received, many fans sided with his strong-worded statements.
He wrote; "Argh, you know how men are" Yes, we all do. WE are murderers and rapists. WE are the source and cause of all this pain. WE are the problem. WE have stop defending these evil deeds. WE have to accept and do EVERYTHING WE can to change the FACT that #MenAreTrash"