Infact his level of stan is alleged to be more affectionate than your typical AKA fan.
Revealing how he met Shane a few years back, Stogie T recalls Shane being shirtless whilst blowing kisses at AKA.
"#WhenIFirstMet @Shane_Eagle he didn’t have a shirt on and he was blowing kisses to AKA. Hehe, nah I thought he was cool but just too much with the rnb moves, kinda like 112 thug look but hella rnb. He came the fuck up," he tweeted.
Mizing Stogie T's claims, Shane suggested that the two of them should hit the studio and make music together. He also recalled the day they met, however he held his words back.
"I don’t understand old dude language but me and you need to lock in and make something classic OG .when I first met tumi he had a cheese burger in his back pocket and a cigar in da otherr nah haha," he joked.
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The international star hinted at an album after his Dark Moon Flower mixtape and suggested that it would feature local and international artists. Fans are excited at the possibility of AKA featuring in it.